
A Client’s SOS Virtual Session: Chrissy’s home office

Doing the organizational work yourself with virtual help from a pro organizer; Your personalized virtual design plan; A checklist to guide you; Images and links to organizational products; Support and guidance throughout the process.

Have you thought about hiring a professional organizer for a space in your home, but then thought that you could tackle it yourself? After thoughtful consideration, you realized that you would need some help or a nudge to actually complete it… Have you thought about a virtual organization session with a pro organizer?

I’m here to tell you (and show you) that a virtual organization session is for you if you would like to undertake the organization of one space (or more) in your home while having a professional help and guide you along the way. Let me show you the behind the scenes of one of my client’s virtual organization session.

Pinterest Pin: Organized office - The process of a virtual Organization Session.

Chrissy, who is an amazing profit coach by the way, reached out to me on Instagram because she wanted some help with her new home office that was currently feeling overwhelming. She had a “temporary” solution but was looking for a more permanent, well-functioning and high-vibe office solution.

Before working with me, Chrissy mentioned that she had been making her “temporary” option work, however, her space still made her feel anxious when she worked. Having a space that was functional and organized was really important to her.

Before Pictures

These are the pictures that Chrissy sent me after our 1-hour Virtual Session so that I could plan according to what was in the space as well as what we had discussed on our call.

On our call, I asked her a lot of questions about the current function of her space, what she liked and what she didn’t like, etc. I also took the time to understand how Chrissy’s brain organized things logically and visually as well as what her daily life looked like and what inspired her.

Chrissy’s SOS Virtual Design

Once I had everything I needed, I dove straight into designing what I had in mind. I usually include a general layout idea and then I go into the details of each section/zone of the space.

One of the pages from Chrissy's Virtual Plan document with a floor layout plan explaining where goes what.

I’m someone that can easily imagine or see a vision when it’s explained to me but I know that it’s not the case for everyone. For that reason, I choose to include as many drawings/designs as I can.

I will then go into the details of each zone or item and draw or include an image of what I’m envisioning. I like to add links so that if my clients want to order something, they can easily do so.

One of the pages from Chrissy's Virtual Plan document where I've included images and links to desks she may want to consider for her space.

These added details can go on for a few pages. I will include what ever I feel that you need to fully understand the vision for your space. Since virtual sessions are usually ones where my clients will be doing the work themselves, I also like to include a checklist.

One of the pages from Chrissy's Virtual Plan document listing the steps she needs to take to accomplish the organization of her space.

The checklist will guide you in tackling the organization of your space and know what steps you will need to accomplish and in what order.

The process

In Chrissy’s case, once she received her design, she got right to it! She kept me posted on what she purchased and how it was going. At one point, she found a piece of furniture that she bought at Home Sense and sent me a picture.

Picture that Chrissy sent me of a piece of furniture she bought at HomeSense.

I immediately drew up a quick sketch and send it to her. What’s great about organization is that it can be taught… Here’s what I mean. I sent Chrissy the drawing of her cabinet and told her that she could use the top drawers to store extra pens and ink cartridges. I also suggested that she use magazine holders on the inside to store any of her office supply overstock.

Image of my drawinf and plan for the piece of furniture she bought at HomeSense.

I included the below image to give her an idea of what I meant and it inspired her to use magazine holders on her desk to keep the clients files she was currently working on close by.

Image of the magazine file I sent her to give her an idea of what I had in mind.

After she came up with that idea, I drew a sketch and sent it to her. I normally don’t do as many sketches but because I wanted to make sure that I understood what she meant (being that our session was not in person) I sent her what I understood which also served as a plan for her.

Image of the plan I drew for her desk, printer position, etc.

Changing the plan

At one point, Chrissy advised me that she wanted to place the desk differently than what I had planned. She explained her reasoning behind her decision and so I tweaked her floor plan design.

Image of the second floor plan I sent her once she requested to have her desk in a different position.

Did you know? If you choose to add the “Space Planning Design” option to your SOS Virtual Session, you can have up to a total of two designs (if the first design does not meet your needs) of your space.

We kept being in contact throughout the process. She would send me pictures of the progress she was making as well as lovely comments of how the process made her feel.

Part of our conversation. 
Chrissy: My fav room or our home.
Sonya: I'm so happy you are happy with your space! That's the goal!

The final product

Once Chrissy felt like her office was complete, she sent me pictures of the end product. She did such a good job! She made the space her own while following the plan and design I had created specially for her.

Panoramic picture of her completed space.
Part of our conversation.
Sonya: It looks really good!!! How do you feel about it? 
Chrissy: OMG I love it in here. My favourite room.

If you were a skeptic about “virtual” organization sessions, I truly hope that this blog post has changed your opinion. Sure, there is more ownership on your as the client to follow the plan and do all the work, but you are not alone. I’m there with you cheering you on and helping as much as I can from a distance.

If this is something you would be interested in, check out the “Services” section on my website to know more or book your free 15-minute consult with me so we can chat.

Pinterest Pin: Getting Help from a pro Organizer on a virtual Session - The process.


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