DIY Crafts,  Home Decor

Homemade Knockoff Canvas Wall Art

DIY Homemade Canvas Wall Art; Using Mod Podge and Scrapbook paper; Saving Money

Have you ever considered a homemade canvas wall art as home decor to save money instead of buying it? I hand-made this canvas for a friend so that she could have the look she wanted in her dinning room for a reasonable price.

A good friend of mine was looking to decorate her dinning room with a large canvas she had seen on Wayfair. The one she wanted was 24″x18″ in size and was over $150. What??!! When she showed it to me I told her I could totally make that for her. Bonus! I could make it for less than what it would cost her to order it online.

Material I used

  • cardboard
  • scrap booking paper
  • scissors
  • canvas (24×30)
  • Mod Podge

I got all my supplies from Micheal’s for approximately $50-$60. (Really cheap compared to the online price for this canvas) I did have a couple of coupons which I used to buy the canvas and the container of Mod Podge.

Quick Tip: If you subscribe to the Micheal’s emails you will have access to coupons right in your email inbox several times a week. I’m talking about a minimum of 40% off items. Sweet!

How I did it

  1. I started by finding the image of a coffee cup I liked on Google Images. Once I did, I printed it in the size I needed and cut it out of thick cardboard.
  2. I then traced the coffee cup cardboard cut-out on different scrapbook paper designs.
  3. I tested a few layouts and options before gluing it all together on the canvas.
  4. I measured the canvas to make sure I lined up the cutouts straight.
  5. I then applied the mod podge to the back of my coffee cup cutouts as well as on the canvas.
  6. Once everything was glued, I applied a few coats of Mod Podge on the whole canvas to seal it.

My mistake

I had never worked with Mod Podge before this project. When I started gluing the paper coffee cups on the canvas, I found that they didn’t stick very well and were bubbling. I watched You Tube videos and I discovered that I wasn’t applying the glue properly… Ugh! I got nervous because this was a friend’s home decor and I really didn’t want to mess it up…

Did you know that your need to apply the mod podge on both the back of your cutout AND the surface it’s going on? I didn’t… That’s why it was all bubbly… I learned this the hard way and I was lucky enough that it still turned out well.

Final homemade canvas

Here is the comparison between the two:

A picture of the Wayfair version of the canvas which has a white font with 15 coffee mugs all in different tints, shades and designs of blue all aligned in a grid.

Wayfair canvas


My version of the canvas for 1/3 of the price from the one on Wayfair.

Homemade wall art canvas


Let me know in the comments if you’ve ever worked with Mod Podge and what your experience was like. If DIYs are of interest to you, make sure to check out my DIY Craft category on the blog.


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