• Kitchen,  Organization

    Organizing Your Kitchen Spices

    Kitchen spices organization; Options of jars and containers; Finding the perfect location; Labeling options for your jars; How you much you can save money Don’t you just love to search for a specific spice when you are cooking? Said no one ever! It’s so much more motivating to cook when all your tools and ingredients are in order. In my case, everything absolutely has to be organized and in its place in order for me to cook comfortably. I hate looking for ingredients, especially spices… Spices can be overwhelming to organize though… There are so many different types of spices… Some are in bottle while others are in bags… On…

  • Closet,  DIY Crafts,  Kitchen,  Laundry Room/Mudroom,  Organization

    What You Can Re-use to Organize

    Ever noticed the price for containers and jars to organize? Some of them can be very expensive. They look pretty but are pricey. Let’s face it, making a commitment to an expensive container can make the organizing process (for a lack of better words) not so enjoyable. The process of organizing should be enjoyable, satisfying and uplifting. Here are some of the items I like to re-use to organize around our house. Most of them are items you’ve technically already paid for so do your best to pay attention and make sure you do not throw them out. Empty Peanut Butter Jars I love these jars! Although they are made…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Refrigerator Organization and Cleanliness

    Does it seem like you are running out of space in your refrigerator? Or that your are losing food because you have no idea what you have on hand? Here are some tips I’ve tried and tested. Having an organized refrigerator will give you a better overview of what you have, what needs to be used, cooked or consumed before it goes bad which subsequently will save you money. Take everything out Empty your refrigerator and go through all your food to see what condition it’s in. Is it still edible or not? Has it expired yet? Once that is done, you have the opportunity to clean you refrigerator. Remember…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Planning meals weekly

    Do you ever feel frazzled during the week when you think about meals? I do, and I hate it! I usually don’t know what to make… If I do have an idea, I’m usually missing ingredients to make it… I keep thinking: when will I have the time to prepare or cook our meals?… Here’s what I’ve come up with to make food planning enjoyable. I’ve always believed that “eating” should be pleasant and not stressful. I’ve been on a mission to change that and realized that there are different ways this can be achieved. Really, it’s about figuring out what you and/or your family’s needs are and then see…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Cleaning and storing fresh fruits

    Easy fruit cleaning technique; Only need one ingredient; This will save your fruits for a longer period of time; Tips on storing your fruits. Don’t you just hate it when you buy fresh fruits at the store to only lose them a couple of days later because they have gone bad? Ugh! I hate it! For a little over a year now, I’ve been cleaning my fruits this way and I will not be going back. Buying fresh fruits at the grocery store can be expensive but to have them go bad shortly after buying them really sucks! It’s a waste of money and time because now you’ll have to…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    The Benefits of Organizing Your Freezer

    Here is how you can save money, time and frustration just by organizing your freezer on a reasonable budget. Imagine: You need something in your freezer but you are wondering if you still have some of that left in the freezer? It’s very frustrating to go look for something in your freezer because most of the time you either: a- can’t find what you are looking for because everything is pilled up b- find all the things you weren’t looking for and didn’t know you had c- find food at the very bottom filled with frost bite If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the above, you are at the…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Freezer Bag Space Saving Tips

    Freezer bags and containers; labeling your bags; Freezing your food upright; Why it’s important to rotate your freezer bags Here are some freezer bag space saving tips that I have tried and tested over the years. These will save you time when looking for something in particular and also space in your freezer. It’s one thing to have an organized freezer but the food you freeze also needs to be frozen in a way that maximizes space. Since buying in bulk has become a popular shopping trend, so has the process of freezing food bought or cooked in bulk. Here are some freezer space saving tips. Bags & Containers used…


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