• Kitchen,  Laundry Room/Mudroom,  Organization

    Safe Cleaning Products

    Safe cleaning products; being environementally friendly; product options; organizing cleaning products; phone application to test products’ chemical content. With all the talk of the environnement and how we should be more conscious of what we use lately, it can become overwhelming to make decisions about which cleaning products to use or not. We see adds of many different products everywhere…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Decluttering your Plastic Containers

    Decluttering plastic containers; starting fresh; finding the perfect location; prioritizing practically and accessibility; lowering your inventory gradually. I went on to declutter some of our kitchen drawers last week and I felt like I was on a roll. When I got to our plastic container cabinet, I was stumped. I thought to myself “we probably don’t need all of that”.…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Achieving an Organized Pantry

    Organized pantry; food sorting and categorizing; bins and containers to use for specific foods; labels; how you can save space. It seems to be a popular trend lately where people are taking interest in having an organized pantry. I’m the kind of person that loves seeing organized pantries on Instagram and Pinterest! Just so you know, that type of organization…

  • Health,  Organization

    Evening Organization Routine

    Evening routine planning and organization for the next day; prioritizing items on your list; relieving stress; giving you more time to enjoy the simple things and to be present It’s January which, for a lot of people, means new goals. The majority of goals people have tend to surround weight lost and physical health. What about psychological or mental health?…

  • Kids,  Organization

    Organizing kids clothes

    Tips on how to go about organizing kids clothes; Where you can store them; How you should fold them to maximize space; What you can use as dividers; How to make it fun for you and your little one Keeping kids clothes organized is not an easy task, especially once your little one is old enough to go in himself…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Organizing Your Kitchen Spices

    Kitchen spices organization; Options of jars and containers; Finding the perfect location; Labeling options for your jars; How you much you can save money Don’t you just love to search for a specific spice when you are cooking? Said no one ever! It’s so much more motivating to cook when all your tools and ingredients are in order. In my…

  • Books,  Organization

    8 Helpful Self-Help Books

    8 self-help books; Amazon links to the books; their benefits and structure; how they can help to organizing your thoughts; holding yourself accountable Do you think that organization only applies to items and things? I’m here to tell and show you that it does not. In fact, it can apply to so much more. I’ll demonstrate that being organized can…

  • DIY Projects,  Seasonal

    DIY Wooden Christmas Tree Collar

    Have you seen this new type of Christmas tree decor on Instagram and/or Pinterest? I’ve noticed this trend, of Christmas tree collars last year. Instead of having a tree skirt laying on the floor under your Christmas tree, a tree collar actually wraps around the base of your tree. I wanted in on this trend but was a little too…

  • Closet,  DIY Crafts,  Kitchen,  Laundry Room/Mudroom,  Organization

    What You Can Re-use to Organize

    Ever noticed the price for containers and jars to organize? Some of them can be very expensive. They look pretty but are pricey. Let’s face it, making a commitment to an expensive container can make the organizing process (for a lack of better words) not so enjoyable. The process of organizing should be enjoyable, satisfying and uplifting. Here are some…


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