• Kitchen,  Organization

    Refrigerator Organization and Cleanliness

    Does it seem like you are running out of space in your refrigerator? Or that your are losing food because you have no idea what you have on hand? Here are some tips I’ve tried and tested. Having an organized refrigerator will give you a better overview of what you have, what needs to be used, cooked or consumed before…

  • DIY Crafts,  Home Decor,  Seasonal

    Outdoor rubber mat refresh

    Would you like to spruce up your front porch and not break the bank? Here are some ideas related to what I did to refresh our welcome mat and front porch. Have you ever noticed how many people go all out with gorgeous decor on their front porches? If you haven’t noticed, next time you go on a walk or…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Planning meals weekly

    Do you ever feel frazzled during the week when you think about meals? I do, and I hate it! I usually don’t know what to make… If I do have an idea, I’m usually missing ingredients to make it… I keep thinking: when will I have the time to prepare or cook our meals?… Here’s what I’ve come up with…

  • Closet,  DIY Projects,  Home Decor

    Stenciling a wall for the first time

    Have you ever considered the idea of stenciling a wall? It’s more cost effective than wallpaper but a little more time-consuming. Never the less, I went ahead and did it. I love the final product! Here is what I did. I was itching to stencil a wall in our house for a while. I was waiting to get inspired as…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Cleaning and storing fresh fruits

    Easy fruit cleaning technique; Only need one ingredient; This will save your fruits for a longer period of time; Tips on storing your fruits. Don’t you just hate it when you buy fresh fruits at the store to only lose them a couple of days later because they have gone bad? Ugh! I hate it! For a little over a…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    The Benefits of Organizing Your Freezer

    Here is how you can save money, time and frustration just by organizing your freezer on a reasonable budget. Imagine: You need something in your freezer but you are wondering if you still have some of that left in the freezer? It’s very frustrating to go look for something in your freezer because most of the time you either: a-…

  • DIY Crafts,  Home Decor,  Kids

    Creating a Gallery Wall By Shopping Your Home

    Gallery Wall; DIY craft; shopping your home; inexpensive project; no measuring needed. Have you ever thought about shopping your own home to find home decor? I guarantee, you would be surprised. Here are some ideas to create a gallery wall using items and decor you already own. I’ve loved the gallery wall idea ever since I saw it on Pinterest…

  • Laundry Room/Mudroom,  Organization

    My Laundry Room Cupboard Organization

    Decluttering and organizing your laundry room; using what you have to test it out; colourful bins; good-looking laundry room. Have you ever thought of making your laundry room or laundry area pretty and organized so that it becomes fun to do the chore that is laundry? Here’s what I did with mine. When we moved into our newly built house,…

  • DIY Crafts,  Home Decor

    Homemade Knockoff Canvas Wall Art

    DIY Homemade Canvas Wall Art; Using Mod Podge and Scrapbook paper; Saving Money Have you ever considered a homemade canvas wall art as home decor to save money instead of buying it? I hand-made this canvas for a friend so that she could have the look she wanted in her dinning room for a reasonable price. A good friend of…


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