• Books,  Organization

    8 Helpful Self-Help Books

    8 self-help books; Amazon links to the books; their benefits and structure; how they can help to organizing your thoughts; holding yourself accountable Do you think that organization only applies to items and things? I’m here to tell and show you that it does not. In fact, it can apply to so much more. I’ll demonstrate that being organized can apply to your thoughts, feelings and dreams. In the past few years, I’ve learned that dedicating some time to yourself is more important than you think. As far as how often you take that time all depends on your needs. You may be the kind of person that needs time…

  • Closet,  DIY Crafts,  Kitchen,  Laundry Room/Mudroom,  Organization

    What You Can Re-use to Organize

    Ever noticed the price for containers and jars to organize? Some of them can be very expensive. They look pretty but are pricey. Let’s face it, making a commitment to an expensive container can make the organizing process (for a lack of better words) not so enjoyable. The process of organizing should be enjoyable, satisfying and uplifting. Here are some of the items I like to re-use to organize around our house. Most of them are items you’ve technically already paid for so do your best to pay attention and make sure you do not throw them out. Empty Peanut Butter Jars I love these jars! Although they are made…

  • Bathroom,  Closet,  Home Decor,  Organization

    Achieving a Tidy and Organized Bathroom Closet

    Have you ever been to one of those lovely spas or resorts where they have beautifully organized bathrooms? Doesn’t it make you feel relaxed? Do you wish you could replicate that zen feeling in your bathroom at home? Here is how. Bathrooms are some of the smallest rooms in most of our homes. Yet, they can sometimes be the most disorganized and harder to keep in order. Usually, bathroom closets have doors which gives them the advantage to hide anything we need to behind them. What we may be forgetting is that, their doors are meant to hide personal products and not clutter. It’s in our advantage to have our…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Refrigerator Organization and Cleanliness

    Does it seem like you are running out of space in your refrigerator? Or that your are losing food because you have no idea what you have on hand? Here are some tips I’ve tried and tested. Having an organized refrigerator will give you a better overview of what you have, what needs to be used, cooked or consumed before it goes bad which subsequently will save you money. Take everything out Empty your refrigerator and go through all your food to see what condition it’s in. Is it still edible or not? Has it expired yet? Once that is done, you have the opportunity to clean you refrigerator. Remember…

  • Home Decor,  Organization

    The Convenience of Command Strips and their Multiple Uses

    Have you seen the 3M Command Strips commercials on television yet? If not, you will probably start seeing them soon. With the holidays coming up, their commercials are a little more frequent then throughout the rest of the year. I personally swear by these hooks! You may be unsure how to use the strips differently from how they are shown on television. Or maybe you are a skeptic and don’t believe they work as well as they do. If so, let me show you some possibilities where you can use them or show you ideas that can inspire you to utilize these hooks in your own way. The options are…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Planning meals weekly

    Do you ever feel frazzled during the week when you think about meals? I do, and I hate it! I usually don’t know what to make… If I do have an idea, I’m usually missing ingredients to make it… I keep thinking: when will I have the time to prepare or cook our meals?… Here’s what I’ve come up with to make food planning enjoyable. I’ve always believed that “eating” should be pleasant and not stressful. I’ve been on a mission to change that and realized that there are different ways this can be achieved. Really, it’s about figuring out what you and/or your family’s needs are and then see…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Cleaning and storing fresh fruits

    Easy fruit cleaning technique; Only need one ingredient; This will save your fruits for a longer period of time; Tips on storing your fruits. Don’t you just hate it when you buy fresh fruits at the store to only lose them a couple of days later because they have gone bad? Ugh! I hate it! For a little over a year now, I’ve been cleaning my fruits this way and I will not be going back. Buying fresh fruits at the grocery store can be expensive but to have them go bad shortly after buying them really sucks! It’s a waste of money and time because now you’ll have to…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    The Benefits of Organizing Your Freezer

    Here is how you can save money, time and frustration just by organizing your freezer on a reasonable budget. Imagine: You need something in your freezer but you are wondering if you still have some of that left in the freezer? It’s very frustrating to go look for something in your freezer because most of the time you either: a- can’t find what you are looking for because everything is pilled up b- find all the things you weren’t looking for and didn’t know you had c- find food at the very bottom filled with frost bite If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the above, you are at the…

  • Laundry Room/Mudroom,  Organization

    My Laundry Room Cupboard Organization

    Decluttering and organizing your laundry room; using what you have to test it out; colourful bins; good-looking laundry room. Have you ever thought of making your laundry room or laundry area pretty and organized so that it becomes fun to do the chore that is laundry? Here’s what I did with mine. When we moved into our newly built house, I didn’t specifically plan out where I wanted things to go but I had a general idea based on how we functioned as a family. Once we moved-in, I tested a few layouts and eventually came up with one that works for us. Make an inventory Before you go an…

  • Kitchen,  Organization

    Freezer Bag Space Saving Tips

    Freezer bags and containers; labeling your bags; Freezing your food upright; Why it’s important to rotate your freezer bags Here are some freezer bag space saving tips that I have tried and tested over the years. These will save you time when looking for something in particular and also space in your freezer. It’s one thing to have an organized freezer but the food you freeze also needs to be frozen in a way that maximizes space. Since buying in bulk has become a popular shopping trend, so has the process of freezing food bought or cooked in bulk. Here are some freezer space saving tips. Bags & Containers used…


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